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Microsoft Technologies

Let’s add immense value to your business and assets by developing, integrating, and making perfect Microsoft technologies. We are pioneers in the industries to serve the best products and customization on your Microsoft technology.

.NET Core
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft .NET
Microsoft Sliverlight
Microsoft .Net WCF
Microsoft WPf

Our Dedication to the Microsoft Technologies

  • Customizations of Web, Mobile, and Desktop Applications.
  • Migration of Applications from Lower to Higher Version.
  •  We port your any applications to Perfect .Net Applications.
  •  We integrate, Upgrade, and enhance the performance of your app.
  • We offer RAD development with the framework and its components. For E.g. Telerik, DevExpress, Infragistics, Component One, etc.
  • Offering Open source Customizations and implementations with Kentico, DotNetNuke, AspDotNetStorefront, nopCommerce, Sitefinity, Umbraco, nopCommerce, etc.
  • All CMS & E-Commerce Portals Development.
  • Boost Your E-learning and E-governance product performance.
  • Best Approach and practice towards the SaaS & Product app development.
  • Approach towards the enterprise business solutions called HRM, CRM, HRMS, BPM, Customer and partner portals.
  • Approach towards the enterprise business solutions 2 called Document management system, Business intelligence and Analytics, MIS and inventory management, Finance and accounting, Sales and marketing automations, Vendor and purchase portal.
  • We follow Business efficiency through Cloud Computing and Product Integration known as Microsoft dynamic, SharePoint and more.
  • Integrate the most scalable social media network in your website/applications.
  • Integrate Outsider Tools OR Plug-in in your apps.
  • Eliminate bugs from your standardized apps and boost up the performance.